Hong Kong was amazing! I loved going somewhere that my mum has been to and has told me a bunch of stuff about. However, mum I think it has changed a lot since you have been there! Dr Boya was telling me about the buildings that have been there for at least 20 years, and it was very few! Everyone wishes we could have stayed longer, but it was the perfect end to our time together! The first night Henson took us up to Victorias Peak which was amazing and quite an experience. The tram up to it was insane, I literally was fearful that it was going to plummet to the end! But once we finally got up, it was spectacular!!!

At the top on the sky deck they had a heart that you could write your name on and say "I love you" on top of it! Liz and I did one with our names, then we wrote one for the 2012 Holland Fellows. There will always be our footprint in Hong Kong now! The view of Hong Kong was amazing, and luckily I got some great shots (photo credit to Daniel for the pictures that I am in!). My hand is getting steadier in night shots. On our way back down we had our first encounter with humongous cockroaches! They are all over the streets in HK at night, so gross! I practically trampled Latwanna trying to get away from John who I thought had picked one up (he is really into bugs). For dinner we ate at this spaghetti place, which was pretty decent.

Also, the Hong Kong money is totally different than the Chinese yuan. I saved some to give to my brother, Galen, the $10 is plastic!
Margaret and Liz Forever...
HF 2012 Family Always!
Is Hong Kong not beautiful?